Artistic depictions of the Annunciation are among some of the most beautiful and powerful works of Christian art. And although these depictions typically feature the Angel Gabriel and Mary, some artists only suggest the angel’s presence with a radiant glow of light. And perhaps this is more appropriate since Mary’s Immaculate Heart was a pure heart—and it is only a pure heart that can see God and Angels as they truly are. For the pure heart sees God and angles, not with the eyes of the body, but with that inner vision that is empowered to view all reality through God’s eyes (as it were) and thus to live in harmony with God’s loving will. And when this happens, we come to possess a deep and unshakable peace that flows from inner freedom, and that signals the final restoration of God’s image and likeness in the depths of our hearts. Then, too, our hearts will have become pure, immaculate, and able—like Mary—to finally gaze upon the loving face of our God.