16 February 2025, Sixth Sunday, Year C: Jeremiah 17:5-8; 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20; Luke 6:17, 20-25 Blessed are the poor; not the poor in spirit but the poor. Scholars explain that Luke’s Christian community was probably very poor, but that fails to tell my why they are blessed. Is it beatitude when you have nothing […]
Saturday of the Fifth Week of the Year
With their privileged intimacy and a loving and unobstructed access to God their creator, Adam and Eve had little excuse for reaching out and eating of the forbidden fruit. We, by contrast, begin our human existence estranged and largely ignorant of the One in whom we live, move, and have our being. Consequently, we have […]
Saturday of the Fourth Week of the Year
Pope Francis has repeatedly urged priests to go out in active evangelization rather than simply waiting for people to come to them. Today’s gospel speaks of the Apostles having done just that and as they reported all they had done and taught. However, this same gospel also introduces another key element in evangelization. And that […]
A Word from Our Cistercian Fathers
How wonderful your love for me, my God, my love! How wonderful your love for me, everywhere mindful of me, everywhere eager for the welfare of one who is needy and poor, protecting him both from the arrogance of men and from the might of evil spirits. Both in heaven and on earth, O Lord, […]
Memorial of Saint Agatha
The author of the Letter to the Hebrews exhorts us to strive for peace with everyone. Striving, of course, is distinct from actually successfully living at peace with everyone, and is an acknowledgment of the great challenge involved in doing so. For some, the challenge lies in dealing patiently and compassionately with the weaknesses, failings, […]
Fr. James’ Homily for our Cistercian Founders
26 January, The Founders of Citeaux: Genesis 12:1-4; Acts 4:32-35; Mark 10:17-30 The few historical sources describing the struggle to establish Citeaux tell us little of the subjective attitudes of Robert, Alberic or Stephan—very few medieval documents pay attention to such sentiments. I can easily imagine, though, there were days they wondered what they had […]
Conversion of Saint Paul
In our contemporary American usage, “Sir” is a form of address intended to convey respect and, at the same time, is usually reserved for persons we either don’t know or don’t know very well. And it is in this sense that Saul (whom we also know as Paul) initially addresses Jesus as “Sir” during his […]
COVID at the Monastery Update
We are grateful to be able to inform you that all the brothers have recovered from the recent outbreak of Covid in the community. Accordingly, the Monastery Chapel and the Gift Shop, are once again open to the public. We thank you for your concern and the support of your prayers during this time of […]
Upcoming Chant Retreat in the New Year
A Special “Chant Retreat” is planned for the second week of August 2025 (More information can be found by clicking on the Retreat House Tab above) Our Monastery Chapel is, once again, open to the public for Daily Holy Mass and all the Divine Offices. The Gift Shop is also open again and the hours […]
Fr. James’ Homily for Christmas Day
Christmas Day Mass, Isaiah 52:7-10; Hebrews 1:1-5; John 1:1-18 The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. This verse is a token of hope today when too many people surrender to fear, doubt or passivity. We are indeed confronted by formidable obstacles. A glance at the news reminds us that […]