O God, love, who have created me, recreate me in your love.
O love, who have redeemed me, whatever I have neglected of your love, amend for yourself and redeem in me.
O God, love, who with the blood of your Christ have ransomed me for yourself, sanctify me in your truth.
O God, love, who have adopted me as your child, nourish, nourish me after your own heart.
O love, who have chosen me for yourself and for no one else, make me, all of me, cling to you.
O God, love, who have cherished me gratuitously, grant that I may cherish you with all my heart, all my soul, all my strength.
O love, most almighty God, embolden me in your love.
O wisest love, grant I may love you wisely.
O most dulcet love, grant I may taste you pleasantly.
O dearest love, grant I may live for you alone.
O most faithful love, console and aid me in every tribulation.
O most companionable love, work all my works in me.
O most victorious love, grant I may persevere in you to the very end.
O love very close to my heart, who have never forsaken me, to you I commend my spirit.
Gertrud the Great of Helfta, Spiritual Exercises – V: Mystical Union (CF 49, p. 91f)