Though you may have access to your Son, O blessed finder of grace, bearer of life, and mother of salvation, so that through you he – who by you was given to us – may accept us. May your integrity plead before him for the guilt of our corruption, and may the humility which pleases God procure pardon for our vainglory. May your abundant divine love cover the multitude of our sins, and your glorious fruitfulness confer on us a fruitfulness of merit. Our Lady, our Mediatrix, and our Advocate, reconcile us to your Son, commend us to your Son, and represent us before your Son. O blessed Lady, through the grace which you have found, through the favor of which you were worthy, through the mercy to which you gave birth, bring it about that he by your mediation – deigned to share our weakness and wretchedness may by your intercession – make us sharers of his glory and blessedness, Christ Jesus, your Son, our Lord, who is over all and blessed forever.
Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermons for Advent and the Christmas Season, On the Lord’s Advent – Sermon Two: On the Reading from Isaiah: The Lord said to Ahaz: ‘Seek a sign for yourself concerning the way of your adversary.’ v.5 (CF 51, p. 17f)