Memorial of Saint Dominic: In his list of the seven principal vices, Saint Gregory the Great doesn’t list Pride. Instead, he understands pride to be the source and instigator of all the vices. This is no less true of envy and jealousy—manifested so clearly in Miriam and Aaron’s sarcastic-sounding question: “Is it through Moses alone that the Lord speaks? Does he not speak through us also?” God’s rather harsh punishment for their prideful envy and jealousy (concerning Moses) is a reminder that envy and jealousy are not just marks of spiritual and psychological immaturity, but they are notably destructive of relationships and authentic community—including monastic communities. Recognizing and confronting envy and jealousy within our own hearts may be humiliating and painful, yet it is essential if we are ever to grow towards a spiritual and psychological maturity able to resist envy and jealousy’s destructive fracturing of concord, unity, and peace in our community—which is, after all, the Body of Christ.