“O God of my life, I do not know how I may worthily praise you or with what I may reward you, my beloved, for all the good with which you have rewarded me. Consequently, I offer you in me, and me in you, my cherished Jesus, as a holocaust of praise to you. I have nothing further. This itself that I am and live in you, this I give to you totally.
You are my life. You are my sufficiency. You are my glory. You are the proof of mercy that is resplendent in my soul. To you be praise and supreme thanksgiving. …
Ah! O God, my holy gentleness, widen my heart in you, and extend my soul in order that all my viscera may be filled with your glory. Oh, when will my soul be told: Turn to your rest because the Lord has been the one to do you good? Oh, when will I hear that merriest voice: Come, enter into the inner chamber of your spouse? Oh, when will I rest and fall asleep in you, Jesus, my most dulcet peace, that I may see your glory?
Gertrud the Great of Helfta, Spiritual Exercises – VI: Jubilus (Exercise of Praise and Thanksgiving) (CF 49, p. 96)