In the mysterious providence of God, some of us began our spiritual journey with hearts that were like that rocky ground in which the germinating seed of salvation battles to survive and flourish. Some of us were more fortunate and began with fundamentally good soil, but because of various spiritual wounds, have had to battle against the thorns of life that have repeatedly choked the divine life within us. Blessed and privileged are those rare souls whose hearts—from the outset—were that deep rich soil in which the seed of God’s life grows unimpeded and flourishes. Fortunately, monastic life doesn’t only cater for the latter persons and, indeed, monastic life and conversatio are in the service of clearing the rocks and stones, and uprooting the weeds and thorns, so that every persevering monastic heart eventually becomes that deep rich soil bearing the hundredfold. Those beginning with rocky and shallow soil thus need to not lose hope, or envy those of rich soil, but persevere and trust the one who wishes to transform all hearts into that good soil. While those who begin with good, rich soil, must in gratitude nurture the rest of us with the compassion, mercy, and encouragement that are integral to being good soil.