According to Jesus’ dictum, we can best discover just what our treasures are by examining where our heart is. And in this world where moth and decay constantly threaten any of our earthly treasures we have a convenient method for determining just where our heart is by becoming aware of the many things that upset us in the course of a day and deprive us of peace and inner tranquility. For so many of our daily conflicts—inner and outer—are triggered and perpetuated by our attachments to various things and to certain ways of doing things, including our attachment to our unique perspectives and way of viewing things, to our tastes and preferences and to our assessment of what is right, wrong, acceptable, or unacceptable. And to the degree that we lose sight of our ultimate and eternal destiny this plethora of attachments will more surely enslave and rob us of the peace and joy that Christ bestows. In contrast we have Saint Paul whose joy and peace abound even in the midst of an unbelievable catalog of sufferings and life-threatening persecutions precisely because his sights are fixed on Christ and that Eternal Life towards which Christ is steadily drawing him. Good reason, then, to examine our hearts and listen to the people, things, and situations that still upset us on a daily basis in order to ascertain whether or not we are still storing up earthly treasures and losing sight of our eternal destiny.