Dualism, that old and recurring heresy that would pit the body against the soul—seeing the former as evil and the latter good—would seem to find support in Jesus insisting that we are not to fear those who kill the body, but after that can do no more. For, this could be made to imply that physical/bodily life is of no real concern or value since it is the life of the soul that is important—the soul that can be cast into Gehenna. However, as Christians we maintain that the body as created by God is good and destined to share in Christ’s own risen and glorified life. As such, death is the indispensable portal leading to our mortal and still corruptible bodies being clothed in immortality and incorruptibility. And so while Jesus is not advocating that we court death to bring this about, his is exhorting us to never lose sight of our body’s final glorious destiny. Accordingly, we need not fear only those who kill the body, but we need not fear death itself, and in embracing what Saint Francis called “Sister Death” allow ourselves to be transformed into that glorious immortality that can no longer be injured, harmed, or ever killed.