On this feast day of Saint Augustine, we have an interesting interpretation of today’s parable about the wise and foolish virgins which I share for your personal reflection. Quoting Galatians Saint Augustine begins: So if a person thinks he is something when he is nothing, he is deceiving himself; but let each one prove his own work, and then he will have glory in himself, and not in someone else (Gal 6:3-4). You, whether they praise or blame you, have glory in yourself, because your glory is your God in your conscience; and you will be like the wise virgins, who took oil with them in their flasks, so that they wouldn’t have glory in someone else, but in themselves. Because those others, who didn’t take oil with them, begged it from these, and their lamps went out and they said, give us some of your oil (Mt. 23:1-8). What does give us some of your oil mean? What else but, “praise our works, because our own consciences don’t satisfy us?”