Faith in God’s ability to cleanse, heal, and save us is qualitatively different from faith in his desire or willingness to do so. There are occasions when some problematic situation seems hopeless and we wonder if even God can solve the problem or bring any good out of some tragedy. But, perhaps more frequently, we simply doubt God’s desire or willingness to intervene in assisting us in our need. Indeed, it seems as if God’s will and desires are all too often contrary to our own and hence our doubt about his willingness to help us. The leper in today’s gospel thus becomes our spokesperson: Lord, if you wish you can make me clean. In response, Jesus dispels any doubts about his ability to heal as well as about his desire to do so by reaching out, touching the leper, and saying I will do it. I suspect that when we doubt his desire to help and save us we sadden God more than when we question his ability to do so. Drawing upon our faith let us strive to trust God unreservedly so that we don’t sadden him but gladden his heart.