The Good Shepherd who goes in search of the stray sheep while leaving the other ninety-nine in the desert is a good image for ourselves in seeking out and reclaiming aspects of our true identity lost or severely impaired by enslavement to sin. This is a difficult and painful process and we would prefer to remain with the ninety-nine healthy sheep of our established virtues and not remind ourselves of our incompleteness; or undertake the arduous journey to fully integrate those alienated aspects of ourselves that continue to sabotage our inner peace, and complicate our interpersonal relationships. Yet, it is precisely in this inner region of our incompleteness that we encounter Christ come in search of these lost or denied aspects of ourselves. And by setting them on his shoulders he helps us bear them into full consciousness so that they may be healed and then integrated into the persons we were created to be. Only in this way will we be able (in the words of Paul) to stand before the judgment seat of God and give a true account of [ourselves] to God.