The choices of every moment and the actions of every day, are gradually forming the attitude and state of mind with which we will face death. King Antiochus ends his life in misery and regret for all the evils he set in motion and this stands in sharp contrast to someone like the saintly Simeon and his peaceful exclamation: Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation which you prepared in the sight of all the peoples. We may not know precisely how we will face the prospect of imminent death, but Antiochus’ example warns us that we can certainly influence the outcome by what we think, say, and do, here and now. In the spirit of today’s gospel, may we live and act every moment with our hearts fixed on Jesus and what he calls the coming age and the glory of resurrected and eternal life. To the degree that we are faithful in doing this we will, like Simeon, embrace death with confidence and welcome the transition it effects from this land of exile to our Eternal Home.