The old adage, actions speak louder than words lies at the heart of striving to set a good example for others to follow. However, good example will only be followed by those possessing a humble and sincere desire for the good. Those who have little or no love for what is good and virtuous will find convenient (and even plausible) excuses to disregard good example. And so, the good example of John the Baptist is dismissed because he is accused of being possessed by a demon; whereas, the self-giving love of Christ and his compassionate ministry are disqualified for imitation because he is thought to be a drunkard and a glutton. We would do well to examine ourselves in this regard, because when we impute evil where none exists, we place ourselves at risk of committing that one sin Christ labeled as “unforgiveable,” namely, the sin against the Holy Spirit that renders us incapable of receiving divine mercy.