Notwithstanding the dire warnings of cosmic cataclysms and other fearful occurrences accompanying the end of the world and the return of Christ in glory, there are some more mundane tribulations that will beset those who do not eagerly desire or welcome his return. For those whose sole interests and preoccupations are with the pleasures and distractions of this passing world, its demise will fill them with utter dismay as they are robbed of the only things in which they have chosen to find comfort and satisfaction. This happens already with those who angrily rebel against death and the consequent loss of their earthly possessions, status, and power. Both the end of the world and our death are certainties—if one doesn’t end our time on earth the other will! Consequently, our present attitudes to both can tell us a lot about our priorities and whether, in the words of Jesus, either one will catch us by surprise like a trap.