Readings: Titus 1:1-9; Luke 17:1-6
The conclusion of this Gospel passage is genuinely Good News. Jesus plainly says that in our uncertainty, in our weakness we don’t need more faith. Our faith can be as small as a mustard seed; we just have to allow it to do what it can do.
Think about that! To plant a mustard seed, I have to hide it in the earth and leave it to do what it can do. At first it seems that nothing is happening. I have to wait and pay attention and I can really be surprised by what happens.
Faith isn’t a super-power or a problem-solver; faith isn’t my possession or personal attribute. It’s a dynamism out of my control, a visitor from God into my life.
I wonder: do the Apostles in today’s Gospel expect faith to be something they have to activate, while is Jesus suggesting that they just have to allow faith to happen?