Jesus is not typically associated with either/or thinking and black and white categories; but today is one instance when he does: Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Interestingly, Jesus doesn’t say whoever is not for me is against me, but whoever is not with me is against me. Being with Jesus is, in turn, more than just being in his presence or supporting his cause: for Christians it means being members of his Mystical Body. Only in this intimate relationship do we truly become fully human and completely ourselves in Christ. Until this happens our lives are inevitably incomplete and we tend to inflict this incompleteness on the world around us—scattering and dividing, instead of gathering and uniting. Through this Eucharist and our reverent reception of the same Jesus’ Body and Blood, may we be drawn into an ever-deeper union with Christ so that being ever more with him we may do less scattering and more gathering.