Saints whose lives were filled with direct and frequent experiences of the divine, along with an abundance of supernatural encounters with angels and saints, can evoke a holy envy in those whose spiritual lives seem to be one long, obscure, and arid journey in the darkness. However, if this describes you, Jesus makes a point you may find consoling: From those to whom more is given, more will be expected! Thus Tyre and Sidon will have it easier on judgment day than Chorazin and Bethsaida who witnessed the mighty deeds Jesus did in their midst. This is not to suggest that a life bereft of spiritual consolations excuses sin or condones mediocrity, but rather that such a life is more worthy of mercy, divine leniency, and forgiveness. In addition, those who struggle resolutely through darkness and spiritual aridity without obvious consolations bring a special joy to the heart of Christ who sees in their perseverance a true longing for his love and not simply for the gifts he might bestow. So, take heart if yours is a dark and obscure spiritual journey—it clearly has its own unique blessings!