Jesus’ instruction that the apostles must shake the dust from [their] feet in response to those who don’t welcome their proclamation of the kingdom, highlights a twofold responsibility: On the part of those who hear the proclamation there is the responsibility to receive the good news and respond accordingly—or face the consequences. And for those who proclaim the kingdom there is the responsibility to not only share the authentic message of the gospel, but also to be living witnesses to the message proclaimed. The vast majority of Christians are not entrusted with proclaiming the kingdom by preaching but by the witness of their lives. A reminder that whether we intend it or not, our very lives, words, and actions, either help proclaim or obscure the good news of the kingdom. To the degree that we obscure it we are thus partly responsible for those who reject the gospel because we have hidden its truth and beauty. May this disturbing possibility inspire and sustain our ongoing conversion.