As monks our entire lives are oriented towards union with God and divinization. Divinization can sound esoteric and evoke images of ethereal beings no longer fully human. However, if becoming divine in and through Christ is what divinization entails, and if God is love, then Paul gives us a very good non-esoteric catalog of some of the signs of divinization occurring within us. Rather than losing our humanity, divinization will perfect our human nature as we find ourselves growing ever more patient and kind, less and less prone to jealousy, less pompous and proud, rude, or seeking merely our own interests. We will experience ourselves becoming more even-tempered and less and less likely to brood over past injuries. Along with not rejoicing over wrongdoing we will exult in the truth and be able to bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and endure all things. Imagine how different our community and world would look if all Christians were divinized—surely motivation enough to persevere in our monastic quest to make this a reality in our lives!