Readings: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9; Matthew 24:42-51
Stay Awake! A fitting Gospel for two Cistercian saints. And a reminder that our relentless practice of Vigils is symbolic, sacramental of the coming of Christ, especially at the final judgment.
This reminds me that such watchfulness is not only about the end but how we travel to that end. With an eye on that final judgment, that unveiling of what my life, our life together, has meant, I must keep judging, assessing possibilities, choices, even deeds already done. I must continually recognize the quality of my choices–our choices–adjust direction, re-evaluate, make restitution, keep going, make corrections; even correct, challenge, ever learn. So, yes, we are always judging.
BUT I must also remind myself that I am not the judge, certainly not the ultimate judge. I will inevitably have opinions, especially of others, but I am in no position to completely know, assess, judge–let alone sentence–anyone else. Only the God-Man has that capacity to know all, to grasp the context, to read souls, to weigh motivations aright.