Readings: Hosea 2:1b, 17c-18, 21-22; Matthew 9:18-26
A couple of Sundays ago, we heard St. Mark’s version of this episode. Today, St. Matthew concentrates the story (only 8 verses as opposed to Mark’s 22) but deflates the drama: the girl is already dead before the story begins. In either version, the faith of the father is formidable.
I find that enormously encouraging as I look at the state of the world. It’s so easy to give up; but the example of this father says, “It’s never too late.” I never know, I can never imagine, what the Lord might create from the situation. I must keep shouldering my responsibilities, pull my weight, make my responses–and not betray my trust in the Lord.
My imagination, my judgment does not get the whole picture. Which reminds me of that other father in Mark’s Gospel, the father of the epileptic boy: “Lord, I do believe. Help my unbelief!”