Thank you for all your interest in Fr. Robert’s condition, for your concern, prayers and greetings.
About a couple of weeks ago, Fr. Robert availed himself of Hospice care and we’re expecting a long association with them through the coming year.
Fr. Robert is doing well, has a good appetite and enjoys fulfilling some responsibilities in the community’s routines. By and large, he needs more rest than before and he’s trying to conserve his energy to be with the community at the Offices and meals–even community meetings when he has the energy. His over all demeanor is serene and communicative and he does appreciate being allowed to do all that he can for himself.
At this juncture we are already discouraging visitors with Fr. Robert’s approval. Please don’t interpret this as a rejection; he certainly appreciates your concern and interest but at this time, he only has so much energy at his disposal, A card, a note, a phone message–please let that suffice; don’t be surprised if there is no response. Your understanding of the situation is the best contribution you can make to him. As one long term associate of the community responded, when she had to change her plans, “Hospice and family first!” She had experienced first hand coordinating care in her own family and appreciated what is at stake.
If you can’t see Fr. Robert, you can give him time and energy he needs to enter as fully as he can in the monastic routine. This remains so important to him. Please continue to keep him and all who care for him in your thoughts and prayers.
This may be a good opportunity to learn more about Hospice and their mission and the care and needs of the dying.
Thanks for your interest and compassion.