If you’re used to delays in construction, we at Holy Cross Abbey just had a happy surprise. The renovation of our church will begin a good week earlier than planned. That’s good news for us, looking forward to moving back into the church.
I realize it’s bad news for a number of other people since this coming Sunday will be the last Sunday in our church until the renovations are complete. As you may have read in an earlier post, we will celebrate in the Chapter Room and there will be limited access in that much smaller space. The priority is given to our guests on retreat–at most sixteen people–who will fit comfortably in the new space. However, we know we could only comfortably host twice than number which is many fewer people than presently join us for Sunday Mass.
There are other limits. Construction will be in progress Monday through Friday and the church will be sealed off and parking will be difficult. Midday Prayer will no longer be public and the Chapter Room will be open to visitors only for Vigils (3:30 AM), Lauds and Mass (7:00 AM), Vespers (5:30 PM) and Compline (7:30 PM). We know that some people like to come throughout the day to enjoy the silence of the church but that will no longer be possible. In fact, on the average workday there’ll be precious little silence in the Chapter Room as the noise from construction spills over.
We regret the inconvenience and ask you, with us, to bear in mind that this temporary upset is the down payment for an improved worship space that will benefit us all.