I believe past posts have made reference to the upcoming church renovations at Holy Cross Abbey. We now have a date, 24 October, when the work will begin. Of course that means that we will have to move out of the church for our liturgical celebrations. During the projected three months of work, we will celebrate Mass and the Divine Office in the Chapter Room, the large room on the other side–just east of–the Sacristy.
One implication is that the church door will no longer provide entrance to our celebrations. Instead, those who still join us would enter through the “Mansion” (Cool Spring House), enter the cloister, turn left and proceed to the Chapter Room. Infirm visitors may drive to the back side of the cloister and deposit their passengers at the cloister.
But this move also means we will have much less room for guests to celebrate with us. Of course our guests in the Retreat House will always have a place; and Monday mornings will have plenty of room for visitors. Any weekday should have ample room for worshippers. But on Sundays the Chapter Room cannot possibly accommodate all our usual visitors. This will also be true for our Christmas Mass, both the night of 24 December and Christmas Day. If possible, please plan on celebrating in your Parish.
The first Sunday to be effected by the change is 30 October, the 31st Sunday of the Year.
Thank you for your patience and co-operation.