As the temperatures drop from tropical to pleasant, as the first glimmer of autumn color begins to highlight the foliage, and as the wispy Sirius clouds of September wreath the intensely blue sky, you may want to think about spending some reflective time on retreat in the Shenandoah Valley.
Our Retreat House still has openings this week, 12 to 16 September for anyone who has time for a partial retreat, though the weekend is already full with the Monastic Immersion Retreat. And the week of Monday, 19 September through Friday, 23 September still has plenty of available rooms.
Surprisingly, there are still openings in October, the week of Monday, 24 October through, Friday, 28 October. That’s the coveted time of the year when the fall color is at its last blaze of glory.
To make a reservation, you may telephone Carol Hensley Monday through Friday, at 540-955-4383. Or email Carol at