The community is pleased to announce the scheduling of special events and retreats for 2016. For information on any of these events or to register to attend, send email to or call 540-955-4604…this year we will have two Monastic Immersion Weekends, an event on monastic life for those not called as monks and nuns and a new inquiry weekend for men interested in monastic life.
Monastic Immersion Weekends
Contrary to our original announcement, the community will be conducting both MIWs in 2016 as we have in the past. Originally we thought about only conducting one. This year, however, we are going to make the Spring event women only and the Fall event for men.
Women’s MIW-April 8-10
Men’s MIW-September 16-18
If you have ever wondered what life is like in the monastery the MIW is a great way to find out. During this retreat, which requires participation in every part of the retreat including attending Vigils at 3:30am, you will ‘immerse’ yourself in monastic life, sit in choir for most of the Offices and chant with the monks, and have several private conferences with monks of the abbey.
These retreats fill up very quickly so if you are interested send email to Because of the special materials and clothing provided this retreat is $300 for the weekend. For more detailed information including a sample schedule click on Take Part on the home page and read the Monastic Immersion Weekend article.
St. Benedict for the Rest of Us-Monastic Principles for those not called to the cloister
April 17, 2016–Retreat House Chapel
Principles like simplicity, a sense of place, hospitality, prayer and fasting and several other characteristics of monastic life are as important for those not called as monks or nuns as for monastics. In this presentation our companion will discuss ten principles of monastic life that can be important to any Christian and that he has adapted to his life ‘in the world.’ Following the talk we will hear from several monastic oblates about their modified rule of life in an informal conversation and question and answer period. The event culminates with solemn Vespers and Holy Benediction.
3:30pm-talk/conversation/q&a…learning from each other
5:30pm-Vespers and Benediction in the Abbey Church
This event is free but has limited capacity. If you wish to register send email to
Monastic Awareness Weekend
For the first time in quite a while the community invites those interested in monastic life at Holy Cross Abbey to a special weekend. This event will take place in the fall on a date to be determined.
This retreat is for any man who has heard the call to monastic life and is now interested in discerning if he should follow that call. This is not a public retreat but rather for men who are serious about the contemplative life. Those attending will stay in a special retreat house on the monastery property, take meals together and have private and group conferences on monastic life. This retreat will also include interaction with the monastic community and private meetings with the Formation Director.
For more information about this weekend and/or to speak with the Formation Director send email to