Fr. James Orthmann keynoted the Merton at 100 lecture Sunday November 15th. Well over 60 people came to the Retreat House Chapel for a talk called “Monk as Marginal Person.” Fr. James suggested that this simple reference, that Merton made in his last talk in Thailand, was less an indictment of monks for having left the world and more a reflection of a mind-set that is contrary to what the world calls for and really is available to all of us, monk, nun or layperson…there is a post in the News section of this web site by Fr. James with much more detail on his talk.
Following Fr. James, Fr. Maurice, who studied with Merton at Gethsemani, had a question and answer period where he reflected on Trappist life of that time and Merton as man and monk. And challenged us to remember that God seeks us where we are and speaks to everyone! (his emphasis)…he also told some very funny stories about how sign language was used in the monastery…
Most of the crowd then enjoyed a small reception and attended Vespers and Benediction in the Abbey Church.