If you were unable to find the time you wanted for a retreat at Holy Cross Abbey, you still have opportunities in July.
Monday, 29 June through Friday, 3 July has good availability. Should you wish to escape the madness of the Fourth of July Weekend, there are ten rooms available between Friday, 3 July and Sunday, 5 July.
From 6 July though 10 July there are nine rooms left; and good availability that weekend, 10-12 July.
There are eleven rooms still open, 13 through 17 July, and that weekend, 17 to 19 July.
27 to 31 July offers eleven rooms.
Many visitors remark on the beauty of the summer landscape and the variety of birds, butterflies and wild animals that can be so inspiring to see after life in the suburbs or city; or the refreshing walks at dusk after compline when the evening breeze arises and the deer wander from under the cover of the trees to graze in the fields. Don’t deprive yourself of the chance to reconnect with creation and our Creator.