With the end of 2012 fast approaching I would be remiss if I didn’t at least gently nudge and remind you if you are making year end gifts don’t forget Holy Cross Abbey! So many people have responded to our year end mailing and newsletter…if you were one thank you…if you haven’t yet, well…maybe…would you consider doing so now? We could sure use it as we continue sprucing up the monastery in anticipation of the men coming to observe this year (five at last count and maybe more)…just click on the Support Us button on the home page and the power of technology will help you do the rest. And remember your gift is 100% tax deductible (which if things don’t get better in Washington DC quickly might not be the case in about a week!)
Thank you for all you do for Our Lady of the Holy Cross and may you and yours have a wonderful new year. Blessings…