A frequently asked question, this time of year, is, “What is the time of the Christmas Eve Midnight Mass?”
We know what you mean; the Missal calls it the First Mass of Christmas and it was traditionally celebrated at midnight, growing out of a Vigils for the Solemnity of the Lord’s Nativity. For a number of reasons, the ageing of the community being one, and following the Church’s norms for the liturgy, we have been celebrating it at 8:30 PM. And so we will this year.
Now, many of you also wish to know whether Madeleine MacNeil will be singing Christmas Carols before Mass. Yes; she will begin at 8:00 PM.
So the full schedule is this: 8:oo PM: Christmas Carols sung by Madeleine MacNeil
8:30 PM: The First Mass of Christmas, integrated with Vigils chanted by the monks.