The Psalms listed here are, in fact, used for all the Feasts and Solemnities of Mary. The numbers follow the normal translations following the Hebrew Psalter; the numbers in parentheses apply to the original Grail Psalter/Vulgate/Septuagint.
Vigils: Invitatory: Ps 95 (94). First Nocturn: Pss 24 (23), 45 (44), 46 (45); Second Nocturn: Pss 48 (47), 84 (83), 87 (86); Third Nocturn: Isaiah 61:10-11;62:1
Lauds: Ps 63 (62), Samuel 2:1-10, Ps148
Vespers: Pss 113 (112)127 (126),138 (137)