Our first MIW is fast approaching and in case you have been considering, one man had to drop out this week so we have an opening…send email to companions@virginiatrappists.org for information and registration form.
The community will welcome the group into choir for the weekend and all materials and supplies, including special clothing and breviaries have been ordered for those attending. And choir practice has been scheduled on the first night to make sure we don’t use Chant tone 6 when the community is in Chant tone 8!
In addition, Br. Efrain, Novice Master, has scheduled special sessions during the weekend for those discerning a monastic vocation to meet with him to ask questions and generally talk about the discernment process. While those sessions are happening, the rest of the ‘weekend community’ will meet to talk about what we can take from our time immersing in monastic life back into our own contemplative prayer life.
For information contact companions@virginiatrappists.org or call the Companion Office at 540-955-4604