From the First Sermon for the Feast of the Assumption by Bernard of Clairvaux, translated by Marie-Bernard Said, OSB in Mary Most Holy: Meditating With the Early Cistercians, CF 65, p 215 f
Our earth has today sent heaven a precious gift, that by giving and receiving a happy compact of friendship, human affairs should be joined to the divine, the earthly with the heavenly and the lowest with the highest. For the exalted fruit of the earth has gone up to the place whence all good and perfect gifts descend. As she goes up on high, the Blessed Virgin will therefore give these gifts to humankind. Why should she not? She will lack neither the capacity nor the will; she is the Queen of heaven; she is merciful. And she is mother of the Only-begotten Son of God: nothing can so commend the greatness of her power and loving-kindness. And unless you somehow think that the Son of God does not honor his mother, who can doubt that the physical body of Mary, in which the Love of God lay bodily at rest for nine months, has passed over into the bond of his love?