As part of our Vocations Strategy we have instituted two Monastic Immersion Weekends. These weekends, that require full ‘immersion’ into the life here at the abbey are scheduled for September 28-30 and November 9-11. The September weekend for men only has a few slots left…register soon if you are interested.
Below is the full summary and schedule for the weekends. If you are interested, call the Companions Office at 540-955-4604 or email
September 28-30, 2012
November 9-11
Retreatants will participate in the full rhythm of monastic prayer five times each day, starting at 3:30am, will eat their meals in monastic tradition and have the benefit of three conferences with monks and Companions of the monastery.
Our Monastic Immersion Weekends will give people with interest in the contemplative life an opportunity to experience it fully to better understand its value to their spiritual life.
This sounds intense. Will I enjoy it?
Saint Benedict’s Rule, which he called a simple rule for beginners, is not rigid and does not force monks and nuns to extend themselves beyond what they are capable of handling. Our Monastic Immersion Weekends will follow the Rule and provide ample time for rest, relaxation, reading, prayer and conversation. That being said, we know you will benefit most by participating fully in the weekend including all of its sessions and programs.
In addition, each person attending is serious about their contemplative life—your experience will be heightened by being with others comfortable at a Cistercian monastery and interested in participating fully in the life for the weekend…
Who will conduct the weekend?
Companions at Our Lady of the Holy Cross are laypeople who have committed to be part of the community as spokespeople, guides to those interested in the community and managers of retreats such as the Monastic Immersion Weekend. Our weekend will be under the leadership of a Companion but will include many chances to interact with the monks. In addition the schedule for the weekend offers participants a chance to see parts of the monastery not open to the public and to have conferences on the Rule, the life and contemplative prayer led by a monk and a companion.
3pm-5 pm check in at retreat house; room assignments
5:30 pm Vespers in the Abbey Church (we will ring a bell throughout the Retreat House 15 minutes before each Office)
6:15 pm Supper in the Retreat House refectory with conversation (note in the Cistercian tradition all meals are vegetarian)
6:45-7:15 pm Welcome from the Abbot and Introductory session with a Companion of Holy Cross Abbey-Retreat House library
7:30 pm Compline in the Abbey Church followed by the Great Silence (The monastery stays in silence through the night until after breakfast the following day)
3:30 am Vigils in the Abbey Church followed by 1/2 hour silent, mental prayer in room at the Retreat House
4:30-7:00 am Conference 1- The Divine Office-creating a lifestyle of prayer (Retreat House library)
7:00 am Lauds and Mass in the Abbey Church
7:45 am Breakfast– Retreat House refectory in silence with reading
8:30-9:30 am Conference 2—The history of the Rule of St. Benedict and Cistercian Monastic Life-conducted by a monk of the Abbey (Retreat House Library)
12:00 Lunch-Retreat House refectory in silence with reading
2:00 pm Mid-day prayer in the Abbey Church
2:30-3:30 pm Conference 2—The Rule as a guide for all Christians-conducted by a monk and Companion of the Abbey (Monastery Noviate)
3:30-4:30 pm Eucharistic adoration followed by Benediction in the Abbey Church
4:30-5:15 pm Optional private conference with a monk or Companion
5:30 pm Vespers in the Abbey Church
6:15 pm Supper in the Retreat House refectory with conversation
7:30 pm Compline in the Abbey Church followed by Great Silence
3:30 am Vigils in Abbey Church followed by silent, mental prayer
4:30-7:00am Rest, reading, private prayer and optional private conference with a monk or Companion
7:00 am Lauds in Abbey Church
11:00 am Mass in Abbey Church
12:15-1:00pm Closing lunch in Retreat House refectory-wrap up and feedback. Those wishing to stay for a tour behind the Monastic enclosure are welcome to do so.
Registration form and information about the weekend
- If you are interested in the Monastic Immersion Weekend please fill out this registration form and send it to the Companions Office with a deposit of $100 (please make check out to Holy Cross Abbey). These weekends are very popular and fill up quickly so we suggest you respond as soon as you can. We also cannot refund your deposit if you decide to cancel.
- Because our Immersion Weekends include much more than a normal retreat here at Holy Cross Abbey we ask for a minimum total contribution of $250. We ask that you send the balance of your contribution at least one month before the weekend.
- We remind you that we are going to ‘immerse’ ourselves in the monastic life for these two days so we ask that you participate fully in the rhythm of the house. That means, for example, we expect you to rise for Vigils (3:30am) and participate in each of the offices and conferences during the days you are here.
- All rooms in the Retreat House are single rooms with bathroom and shower. Linens and towels are provided.
- Dress comfortably (no shorts please) and be mindful the weather in the Shenandoah Valley can be cold and hot on the same day.
Name* _________________________________________________
Address* _________________________________________________________
Email* ___________________ (our primary way of communicating with you)
Phone* ______________
Church affiliation/denomination _____________________________
Shirt size (circle) L XL XXL
Are you attending because you might be interested in a monastic vocation?* (Please note-if you are interested in a monastic vocation it is recommended that you speak with the Vocations Director or his representative while you are here.)
Yes No
Would you like to have a private conference while you are here?* (Please note this will be with either a monk or a Companion based on availability of a member of the community).
Yes No
On the back of this form, please tell us what you hope to gain from attending a Monastic Immersion Weekend-( 250 words or less)
Please provide a short spiritual biography (250 words or less) so we can know you better before you arrive-
Would you allow us to share this information with others attending the weekend?*
Yes No