Good Friday Psalter: 11:00 AM –Guests and Visitors are invited to join the monks to pray through the a large selection of Psalms divided into three “Watches” or divisions. Each division keeps watch with the Lord in his Passion through the words of the Psalms. Like Peter, James and John who failed to keep watch with the Lord when he brought them to Gethsemani, we have not always been mindful of him. The Good Friday Psalter is a devotion that attempts to repair that failing and recommit ourselves to attending on him, still active in our lives. This service lasts a little over a half-hour.
Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion: 4:30 PM–The saving Passion and Death of Jesus Christ is celebrated through the Liturgy of the Word including the solemn reading of the Passion from the Gospel according to St. John; the Veneration of the Holy Cross; and Holy Communion. The Service is over around 6:00 PM