1 April, 2012: Sunday of the Lord’s Passion (Palm Sunday):
11:00 AM: Processional Gospel and blessing of Palms; Mass and the Passion Gospel according to St. Mark
(Blessed Palms will be available on the Church Porch all afternoon)
4:30 PM: Monthly Eucharistic Adoration followed by (5:30 PM) Vespers and Benediction
5 April, 2012: HOLY THURSDAY
4:30 PM: Mass of the Lord’s Supper with the Mandatum and Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament
7:30 PM: Triduum Compline
6 April, 2012: GOOD FRIDAY
3:30 AM: Good Friday Vigils
7:00 AM: Good Friday Lauds
11:00 AM: Good Friday Psalter
2:00 PM: Midday Prayer
4:3o PM: Good Friday Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion with the Passion according to St. John, Veneration of the Cross and Communion Service
7:30 PM: Triduum Compline
7 April, 2012: Holy Saturday
3:30 AM: Holy Saturday Vigils
7:00 AM: Holy Saturday Lauds
2:00 PM: Midday Prayer
5:30 PM: Holy Saturday Vespers
8:30 PM: Paschal Vigil with the blessing of the Paschal Fire and erection of the Paschal Candle
8 April: Easter Sunday
8:00 AM: Lauds
11:00 AM: Mass